30 Apr

by Robert Baldwin III

An environmentalist obtaining weed in Washington D.C. is a bit of an encumbering task. Of course, there is the option to buy it, as the bevy of college students around the city would (or hopefully wouldn’t) confirm. The problem with this is that while marijuana has become legal with certain restrictions, the sale of it is one of those restrictions. The other option is to grow it yourself but that can have drastic environmental concerns.

Marijuana plants use a lot of water. In fact, the average plant necessitates up to 23 liters of water a day. To put that in context, most people need around six cups of water or a liter and a half per day. Without modern indoor irrigation techniques, growing the plant can not only become financially costly but it can also subvert water conservation efforts and energy.

Summer is allegedly on its way and marijuana needs heat for survival. However, the District has reached record lows this year, which could contribute to the use of artificial heat. In addition to the artificial heat, the plant would also need a dehumidifier. And proper light. And ventilation. All of these things require substantial energy and could have other harmful effects on the environment.

It is important to note that D.C. law only permits the growth of up to six plants, of which only three can be mature. So grow responsibly and if you are celebrating 4/20 with a new gardening hobby, just remember the eco-friendly ways to successfully grow your plants.

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