11 Apr


While it’s 2017, women on average make almost twenty percent less than men. If you are a woman of color, this could be thirty to forty percent less than a white man. It’s amazing that women have to fight to get paid the same amount that men get paid. But here are a few quick ways to commemorate the day!

  1. Spend money in places that are actually acknowledging and donating money to fix the pay gap. Lyft for example is partnering with Leanin.org and giving back to national nonprofits. Read the full list here.
  2. Find out how your state is doing on equal pay. If your state isn’t doing great, Call, write, or even tweet your state and local elected officials today and ask them to fix the pay gap.
  3. While it can be really hard to discuss pay at work, transparency is key to fixing unequal pay. AAUW hosts negotiation workshops to help individuals get the salary they deserve!
  4. Publicly support women in the workspace. Give them a shout out for their hard work. This also means acknowledging women of color and more junior employees may have a harder time speaking up in the workplace or “leaning in.” Additionally, the gender pay gap widens more when education is a consideration.


Share your thoughts with us about what you are doing to support Equal Pay Day by tagging @Treempowerment in your facebook, twitter, or Instagram post and using the hashtag #equalpay.

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