22 Apr

It’s Earth Day! Since 1970, groups and communities have been thinking of new ways to protect the planet. Over time, communities of color really pushed to make sure environmental education included a space to talk about the communities impacted. This year's Earth Day’s theme is Environmental and Climate Literacy. Given the recent attacks on environmental justice, science, and climate justice, here are a few things you can do to stay involved!


1. Join TREE and the other partners in the Peoples Climate March happening on April 29, 2017. Read about it here. And sign up here! Read TREE’s Huff Post article on Climate Justice as well!

Watch our Advisory Board Member Mustafa Ali explain why it’s important!

2. Plant a TREE! Tree planting is an easy way to fight climate change. You can learn more about how to plant a tree here or you can donate to a project that will plant trees.

3. Go vegan for a week! Make it a challenge with your friends. The meat industry heavily contributes to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Post your meat-free meals and tag us at @treempowerment! We may repost your vegan challenge.

4. Use transportation alternatives that are less likely to contribute to air-pollution. Whether it’s a walk, public transportation, or carpooling, we all have to live and breathe the air in our environment. This is an easy way to contribute as well!

5. Watch a movie. No seriously! If you need more information regarding what all of this means, these 50 eco-friendly documentaries may be just the thing!

Still want to do more? Volunteer with TREE! We are fighting for environmental justice in our communities. And we would love your help! Sign up here.

Happy Earth Day!

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